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首页 > 新闻中心 > Dwyer挂墙式二氧化碳变送器CDX
点击次数:2213 发布时间:2020/4/8 9:51:26

CDX系列二氧化碳传感器是一种低成本、高性能的二氧化碳传感器。   该产品通过与楼宇自动化系统协同工作,让用户毫不费力地有效控制进入区域的新鲜空气,从而提供即时的节能效果。   使用CO2传感器的按需通风可以在保持室内空气质量的同时防止过度通风造成的能量损失。   该系列CDX变送器采用了专利的自动背景校准(ABC)逻辑自校准系统。   ABC逻辑实际上消除了在室内二氧化碳水平在空闲期间下降到室外水平的手动校准的需要。

Range:0 to 2000 PPM.


±30 PPM or 3% of reading, whichever is higher. CO2 accuracy statement excludes standard gas used for calibration that has an accuracy of 2% and there is a potential digital to analog error of up to 1%.

Temperature Dependence:0.2% FS per °C (± 0.11% per °F).

Stability:< 2% of FS over life of sensor (15 years).

Pressure Dependence:.135% of reading per mm of Hg.

Response Time:5 s.

Warm Up Time:< 2 min (operational), 10 min (max. accuracy).

Temperature Limits::Operating: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C); Storage: -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C).

Humidity Limits:0 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing.

Power Requirements:18 to 30 VAC RMS, 50/60 Hz, or 18 to 42 VDC, polarity protected.

Power Consumption:.7 W @ nominal voltage of 24 VAC RMS.

Sensor:Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption.

Output:Analog, 0 to 5 V or 0 to 10 V jumper selectable (100 Ω output impedance), 4 to 20 mA (RL maximum 500 Ω).

Housing:Flammability classification UL94 5VA.

Weight:European Housing: 5.44 oz (154 g); North American Housing: 6.24 oz (177 g).

Agency Approvals:CE, RoHS.
